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Midnight Cowboy (1969)

Drama | 113 minutes
3,70 1.025 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 113 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: John Schlesinger

Stars: Jon Voight, Dustin Hoffman and Sylvia Miles

IMDb score: 7,8 (124.445)

Releasedate: 25 May 1969

Midnight Cowboy plot

"For those who have never seen it and those who have never forgotten it."

Joe Buck, a handsome, naive-charming cowboy from Texas, convinced that he is the rescue of love-starved women in New York, comes to the Big Apple to find riches. However, the only wealth he finds is his friendship with Ratso Rizzo, an expired con man with big dreams. Living on the shabby fringe of society, these outcasts form an unlikely bond that extends beyond their shattered dreams and their get-rich-quick schemes.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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The film is somewhat outdated, a typical product of the 60s with the somewhat naive Joe Buck from the countryside who wants to make it in the big city. Things turn out completely different from his dreams, but find solace in the ailing and marginalized Ratzo Rizzo. The story of two friends on the fringes of society. Interesting story in itself, but the focus quickly shifts to prostitution and hallucinations. Nicely portrayed, but I don't like the social aspect a bit.

Midnight Cowboy takes you back to the late 60's. Together with Easy Rider, perhaps a film that portrays the end of flower power. That all that free sex and drugs don't necessarily end well. I'm not a big fan of this kind of movie, but it's certainly not bad.

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This is now the type of film that is better than you would think beforehand. However, the film has a status and good reviews, but somehow the film never caught my interest.
The story is about a cowboy from Texas who goes to New York to sport his appearance in order to get rich quickly, namely soliciting for rich or single women. He befriends a con man who dreams of going to Miami someday. As a viewer, you quickly get a picture that life in New York is not as rosy as the cowboy had imagined. His naive attitude, simplicity and good character become his obstacles to succeeding in his goal. He ends up in the ground floor of society where he meets the wrong people. Nasty and selfish characters make their appearance. Gradually, the friendship grows with the scammer who is very sick, something he doesn't realize at the beginning. The feeling of loneliness comes through well, not only in the New York street scene , but also in the final scene. The dreams are also well represented by the hallucinations. In addition, a beautiful music score and good acting that nevertheless manages to elevate this film above the ordinary. 7/10

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Tommy De Vito

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Saw this Midnight Cowboy for the first time last night and really enjoyed every moment of it! Just beautiful movie. The fairly simple story (which is captivating) is stunningly directed. Schlesinger took me into the hectic, but also gray New York of the 1960s. By the way, first we got to see some beautiful countryside images of Texas (while enjoying the hit Everybody's Talkin). Beautiful number by the way.

Voight does what he's cast to do and has a typical country boy vibe, from his looks, accent, to how he chews his gum But Mr. Hoffman takes the film to an even higher level. He puts on a great acting performance here (again) say .. Rain Man, Marathon Man, Kramer vs Kramer, Papillon. This man has a resume that will make you stand out.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film and am already looking forward to re-watching it again. 4.5

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