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Point Break (1991)

Action | 122 minutes
3,28 1.602 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 122 minuten

Country: United States / Japan

Directed by: Kathryn Bigelow

Stars: Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze and Gary Busey

IMDb score: 7,3 (210.528)

Releasedate: 31 January 1991

Point Break plot

"Twenty-seven banks in three years. Anything to catch the perfect wave."

A bank robbery gang operates in Los Angeles, calling themselves the "ex-presidents" because they wear Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Johnson masks during their robberies. The FBI determines that the perpetrators must be surfers and that is the only lead. So they send young cop Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) to the beach to infiltrate. He meets the charismatic surfer Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) and his friends, who introduce him to a new, exciting world. There is also a group of surfers who behave suspiciously...

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Apparently this Point break was not to everyone's taste. Unlike many, I could appreciate him quite well. Point break is a fairly standard action film with a lot of nineties elements, but certainly not inferior to similar average prints. Not that I'm such a huge fan of Kathryn Bigelow, but this lady has acquired a solid reputation in the film world. And this Point break is not out of place. Apparently there is also a remake from 2015 on the market, but I'll let this one pass by (for a while anyway).

The plot is already simple. An undercover cop (Keanu Reeves) who infiltrates the (surfing) environment in search of a bunch of hyper-professional bank robbers. The setting alone, in which a spontaneous holiday feeling occurs when seeing waves and beaches, is beautifully portrayed. Also later in the film at the parachute jump, the images are breathtaking and they do add something to the whole of the film.

Woody Reeves will never be a top actor, but I didn't find his interplay with Swayze (from the same sheet and pants) that annoying. Busey was not too bad, although I thought he was better as a villain in Under Siege with Steven Seagal. The bully commissioner gave me more of a headache. Then a Mark Wahlberg in The departed came into its own much better. The action is also quite fun with the scene at the gas station and the great chase scene. Well portrayed anyway. Finally, the masks of the ex-US presidents remain amazing and even legendary. In that respect, certainly no worse than say The town, Heat or Inside man. In my opinion, point break has acquired a certain status after 30 years. Nice!

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Guilty pleasure that I always go watch when he's for it, but this time I grabbed the DVD and what struck me was that especially the surf images looked super good for a film of almost 30 years old and that the sound is very good.

The story isn't all that much, and Reeves shows that he's not really good behind, just playing himself. Nevertheless, a nice spectacle is presented at lightning speed with many beautiful surfing images, parachuting, the necessary fighting and shooting and a very good chase on foot. The film is also given a little extra by a great soundtrack and an amusing Gary Busey. Great that man. By the way, just read that he had a motorcycle accident in '88 and was not wearing a helmet, at the time people feared for permanent brain damage. Fortunately he has recovered, would not have wanted to miss him in this film and Under Siege. Suspect he excels so much because he is said to be more extroverted, busier and less inhibited afterwards. McGinley, by the way, also excellent in his fairly typical role as a piston.

Great movie, great entertainment, always a pleasure to watch again.

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I take every chance to see Point Break, including last Sunday when they played it in a movie theater showing older movies. Enjoy every time. As someone perfectly wrote in a review: "You're not a fan of Point Break, you're a follower."

Indeed, I have been a follower for 31 years.

5 stars

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