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Suicide Kings (1997)

Comedy | 106 minutes
3,16 331 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Peter O'Fallon

Stars: Christopher Walken, Jay Mohr and Denis Leary

IMDb score: 6,9 (29.651)

Releasedate: 17 April 1998

Suicide Kings plot

"A crime is a terrible thing to waste."

When Avery Chasten's sister is kidnapped, he and some friends come up with the idea of kidnapping former mob boss Charlie Barret in order to pay the ransom. While the kidnapped and tied up Barret tries to pit the boys against each other, his accomplice Lono Veccio is looking for him.

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  • 2057 messages
  • 1893 votes

Saw it yesterday, had a great time! Just always love watching Christopher Walken. I have somewhat the same with Willem Dafoe, Jack Nicholson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Rudd and Edward Norton.

Special mention wmb to Big Bang Theory star Johnny Galecki, who looked just as much in 1997 as he does now! The ravages of time seem to have little hold on him!

And fin, a great snack with an above-average good Christopher Walken. Those who accuse the boys of overacting: the genre definition is also comedy, isn't it


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The film doesn't quite know whether it wants to be a crime or a comedy and thus succeeds in neither. In any case, a combination, a recipe that has been done more often, will not really work. The funny situations feel forced, the bad guys very cliché and the students too exaggerated in their character roles (especially Ira). Some twists are thrown in to get the feeling that the scenario was well put together, but that too is not original. Tough sit, Walken saves the film a little bit.

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Nice movie in which a couple of friends kidnap a mob boss to get a ransom. The characters are not really believable despite the rather nice cast. A nice starting point that is mainly entertaining with a lot of plot twists (perhaps a little too much in the end).

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