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Diner (1982)

Comedy | 110 minutes
3,42 210 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Barry Levinson

Stars: Steve Guttenberg, Mickey Rourke and Kevin Bacon

IMDb score: 7,0 (23.334)

Releasedate: 2 April 1982

Diner plot

"Suddenly, life was more than French fries, gravy, and girls."

Late fifties. Five boys in their early twenties are caught between childhood and adulthood. They 'flee' to their Diner, call it a cafeteria. Slowly they take their responsibilities more seriously and turn their backs on the Diner.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Edward 'Eddie' Simmons

Laurence 'Shrevie' Schreiber

Robert 'Boogie' Sheftell

Timothy Fenwick Jr.

William 'Billy' Howard

Beth Schreiber

Mrs. Simmons

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Leland Palmer

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The catchy soundtrack, the nice 50s/60s atmosphere and the nice cast make 'Diner' a very entertaining film about a bunch of ''young people'' who let go of their youthful lives and make choices for adult life. Nice to see the young actors at work. Levinson leaves the grand highlights for what they are, but the film is entertaining. Such a dinner always exudes atmosphere, delicious. When I'm in the USA I always look for something like this first. It's a shame that the 60s atmosphere cannot be recreated.

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I also thought it was a nice video. Levinson knows how to hit the right tone, especially in terms of atmosphere. Nice setting too, a cafeteria like that, where you meet after school or work to catch up or just do nothing.

Many well-known actors also in Diner, all of whom I later saw again in other films. One has become more famous than the other. They are all doing well, not a negative outlier, but not really a positive one either.

It all flows by at a pleasant pace and secretly made me long for about fifteen years ago. The friendships are also nice to see. Unfortunately, it never really becomes great, something that Levinson's films all suffer from.


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This didn't suit me. It is indeed about friendships and the small talk that comes with it. The makers reflect on the simplicity of how young people view life, while they are not aware that they are making choices that can determine their entire lives. More specifically, the commitments of marriage. Because actually (and that's a shame) they talk for 110 minutes about nothing other than women, marriage and relationships. Although the tone was quite cheerful, I also found it a bit boring. Also didn't see the point in not showing Eddie's bride for the entire movie . What could be the purpose of that? I also thought that quiz that Eddie imposes on his bride was ripped off.

The best thing about the film was the time frame, with the musical rock 'n roll madness of the youth, the nice cars, the gentle carefreeness of being young in a peaceful post-war era (must certainly have been a nice decade to be in). to live). Wonderful to feel. A drunken Kevin Bacon who lies down in the Christmas crib and Rourke who puts his flute in his popcorn cup in a crowded cinema (that dialogue with his girlfriend afterwards was hilarious ) are a few more highlights.

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