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Head above Water (1996)

Comedy | 92 minutes
2,72 393 votes

Genre: Comedy / Thriller

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jim Wilson

Stars: Harvey Keitel, Cameron Diaz and Craig Sheffer

IMDb score: 6,0 (8.404)

Releasedate: 7 November 1996


Head above Water plot

"A comedy about keeping your ex-lover a secret, your husband in the dark and your head above water."

It is the middle of summer. Judge George (Harvey Keitel) has settled on an island paradise near Maine with his neurotic wife Nathalie (Cameron Diaz). When George goes fishing for a night, Kent, Nathalie's ex-lover, unexpectedly appears on the scene. Kent dies that night and George wants to get rid of the body.

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  • 6667 messages
  • 8418 votes

Revised seen...

A good thriller movie...

Great story...

Great acting...

Well-known actors Harvey Keitel, Craig Sheffer and Billy Zane play well....

Well-known actress Cameron Diaz also plays well...

Nice HD quality...

Beautiful island environment...

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avatar van K. V.

K. V.

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I'd seen it before and now I've watched it again. I liked him a little less this time. Still a nice movie, but felt that the movie weakened a bit towards the end. But luckily the ending is still very good

The cast did well and Cameron Diaz got to play a naive blonde again.

I think the genre falls under black comedy with a touch of thriller.

If you want to see an over the top movie (a bit in the genre of Very Bad Things), you've come to the right place.

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avatar van John Lee Hooker

John Lee Hooker

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Small-scale thriller without an overdose of tension but still an interesting storyline. Harvey Keitel again plays sublimely, this time as a frustrated miser, and Cameron Diaz surprised me positively because I didn't think too much of her. Too bad the coincidences keep piling up and all sorts of random things happen that arise out of coincidence (for example the chainsaw that knocks down some posts causing the tip of the roof to drill right through George's hull). The case becomes unnecessarily complex with different points of view that the viewer can hide behind and in retrospect it is actually still unclear what exactly was the cause of Ken's death (the methanol or the heart attack[/ spoiler]). Cast is nice and the locations are nicely selected but unfortunately more and more unnecessary twists come into the game at the end.

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