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Griffin & Phoenix (2006)

Drama | 102 minutes
3,49 260 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 102 minuten

Alternative title: Griffin and Phoenix

Country: United States

Directed by: Ed Stone

Stars: Dermot Mulroney, Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson

IMDb score: 6,9 (8.403)

Releasedate: 12 September 2006


Griffin & Phoenix plot

"A love story with no expectations."

Griffin and Phoenix fall for each other in their very first chance meeting. They seem like an ideal couple and their love for each other knows no bounds. However, both have a terrible secret that they cannot possibly reveal to their loved one, a secret that would make their love seem doomed...

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  • 12893 messages
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This compelling story about a special love affair is a very pleasant surprise.

The excellent and convincing acting of Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney and the beautiful character drawings ultimately make this romantic drama a feel-good movie. Despite or perhaps because of the dramatic turn of the story when Phoenix finds the books about the last phase of life.

Captivating right up to the last scene. Highly recommended.

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A great drama/romance/comedy film...

Good story...

Great acting...

Calm background music

(no Dolby Digital present)...

Nice HD quality widescreen...

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Melodramatics in the superlative, but in the end it turns out that you are not insensitive to it after all..

In the end you will learn something that is going on in this society and what life can offer you or does not offer at all.

I found the actors a bit superficial in the beginning, then it was not that bad, especially Amanda Peet.

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