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Fido (2006)

Comedy | 91 minutes
2,98 279 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 91 minuten

Country: Canada

Directed by: Andrew Currie

Stars: Kesun Loder, Carrie-Anne Moss and Billy Connolly

IMDb score: 6,7 (30.558)

Releasedate: 7 September 2006

Fido plot

"Good dead are hard to find"

Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole world is a rotting zombie named Fido. But when Fido eats the neighbors, Timmy must do everything he can to convince his parents that Fido is part of the family...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Helen Robinson

Bill Robinson

Timmy Robinson

Jonathan Bottoms

Mr. Theopolis

Cindy Bottoms

Stan Fraser

Dee Dee Bottoms

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Somehow I feel that Fido is misunderstood. It is not a comedy that relies on brilliant jokes, but on absurd, dry situations. In fact, that so-called "zomcom" is a big joke. The same goes for all those people who keep a zombie as a household help. Completely absurd! It is very entertaining to see how everyone gives their own interpretation to it. One sees zombies as a status symbol. The other as a surrogate friend. It works very well in the fifties setting. Instead of communists, there is a detailed warning about zombies on the loose. And that with the same bad commercials. Wonderfully original and deliciously absurd, although the latter could have been a bit more extreme of mine.

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Fido is such a nice, comical snack that never really leaves a gigantic impression. But still manages to convince during the 90 minutes thanks to that nice old school American atmosphere. It's not a full-blooded comedy with forced jokes. Fortunately, because silly jokes wouldn't fit within Fido. Socially critical elements (the Negro is replaced by a zombie) predominate, but each time presented in a bizarre zombie jacket.

Too bad it turns into a buddy movie sort of thing towards the end, but with those weird zombies it's impossible to take Fido seriously.


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So Zomedy.

Fido reminds me a lot of a television episode of a children's series. A threat that the community in question deals with in a very comical way. Fido often makes me feel like I should have seen it as a kid, but I'm glad I was spared that nonsense in the end. It wasn't good.

Yet it is difficult to ignore the status that the film has gradually acquired. Perhaps it has not really broken through in the Netherlands, but abroad the film is a popular topic to discuss with each other. Which, by the way, I don't quite understand. Fido is a very rehashed concept that is presented to the viewer without any innovation.

Because I find the central core tiring, the humor was quickly unsatisfactory, but I have to say that the sunny atmosphere as well as the acting still manage to provide miracles. In any case, I really appreciated that the film was rude when it had to be, but other than that it's mainly a matter of waiting until something really cool happens. However, you can wait for the whole movie for that.

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