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Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

Horror | 95 minutes / 89 minutes (heavily cut, Verenigd Koninkrijk) / 90 minutes (animal cruelty-free, VS)
2,83 856 votes

Genre: Horror / Adventure

Duration: 95 minuten / 89 minuten (heavily cut, Verenigd Koninkrijk) / 90 minuten (animal cruelty-free, VS)

Alternative title: Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust

Country: Italy

Directed by: Ruggero Deodato

Stars: Robert Kerman, Francesca Ciardi and Perry Pirkanen

IMDb score: 5,8 (63.502)

Releasedate: 7 February 1980

Cannibal Holocaust plot

"Can a movie go too far?"

A group of young journalists embark on an expedition to the Amazon to make a documentary about the last remaining tribes who practice cannibalism. The group disappears without a trace. Two months after their departure, a rescue team led by Professor Monroe is dispatched. He comes into contact with two rival tribes, their shocking way of life and barbaric rituals. Monroe soon discovers the remains of the missing and finds footage of one of the tribes.

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This movie made a big impression on me. Both cinematic and thematic. The film contains a strong story whose concept with recovered film material was the source of inspiration for later films such as "the blair witch project" and "the last broadcast". The soundtrack by Riz Ortolani in this film is also very special. The music is at times very blood-curdling and then gripping again and now and then works in opposition to the images you see. This makes it all very interesting and bizarre at the same time. In addition, the countless shots of the Amazon region are truly breathtaking and greatly enhance the atmosphere.

It is certain that portraying a civilization completely different from ours leads to ethical discussions. Apart from these discussions, I wonder who the real beasts are in this film. The cannibals with their terrible rituals? Or us, children of evolution, who destroy everything with our unstoppable urge to explore?

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Horribly bad exploitation film. Luckily I like that.

Half a star for Ruggero Deodato who shows that he cannot tell a story in images and therefore gives away the entire film in exposition. Bad camera work and even worse acting.

Well... Then there is the so-called intellectual load.

The lack of context in news reporting and the exploitation of sensation by the media in contemporary journalism must be the reason for the telling of this monstrous tale.

Don't fall for it. The moral pretensions of this film are packaging. They belong in the dustbin next to suggestion of a sincere artistic integrity. It is a mechanism developed to gain more attention, ...and therefore more disgust, ....and therefore more talk (read: advertising)

If social criticism or existential questions are raised in a film, there is no reason to defend it, this film proves it.

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Reviewed yesterday. The 'new director's cut' on the Shameless blu-ray release. In theory it was the best way to finally show my girlfriend this movie; she (rightly) doesn't need to see those poor animals. During Deodato's talk about the new cut, they show the scene of the turtle and cut away just before the machete beheads the poor creature. Well, that was one moment that Mrs. was not pleased with. Ideally, all the animals would have been cut out from the first to the last frame, but they are an indispensable part of the experience. That's what Deodato says... and I agree. In other words; almost everything is still there. enjoy.

Still an amazing masterpiece. The new scan on the Shameless edition is -in my experience- phenomenal. I read a lot of complaints about the lack of fine grain and detail, but although these kinds of films undisputedly come into their own in the rather rough state in which they have remained on various media carriers, it is very nice to see the green inferno in all its rich colors. Almost impossible to call CH ugly when you see him in this condition. It looks beautifully lively without sacrificing the power of all the tackiness that passes by (it is also a lot more striking how beautifully it has been shot many times, super effective) and together with that unsurpassed soundtrack it remains an overwhelming film experience.

10 years after my last viewing, it is still a film that knows how to touch on all levels.

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