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Animal Factory (2000)

Drama | 90 minutes
2,83 357 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Steve Buscemi

Stars: Willem Dafoe, Edward Furlong and Danny Trejo

IMDb score: 6,6 (15.109)

Releasedate: 1 August 2000

Animal Factory plot

"On the inside the rules are brutal and the stakes are high."

Ron Decker (Edward Furlong) has been convicted of a number of drug offenses for the first time and ends up behind bars. He soon learns that prison life is rough and unforgiving where only the fittest survive. After several threats, Ron is protected by Earl (Willem Dafoe). Earl is a legend in prison who commands respect from everyone and knows how to bend all the rules. Despite their different backgrounds, the two become friends and try to support each other.

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avatar van otherfool


  • 18497 messages
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Failed film by Buscemi that strings together the clichés and is really just annoying to watch. 1*.

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After his great Trees Lounge, this one is mostly a miss.

Once again a very impressive cast, who once again act very impressively. I've never liked Dafoe to play, but here he is perfect. So is Furlong, Boone Jr. and what a role of Rourke

Story is much less. Didn't really interest me at all. It is also portrayed very calmly and subdued here, but it simply didn't work as well here as in its debut. It's all pretty cliché, too, and in terms of atmosphere, the whole thing resembled a dated television series.

Buscemi - both behind and in front of the camera - falls short here to really convince.

skinny 2.5*

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A six for the effort. Nice situations here and there and a good cast certainly helps with this. However, there are many situations that are very recognizable. The prison film genre has very little variation. I keep getting the feeling that when you've seen two or three, you've seen them all.

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