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The Gift (2000)

Mystery | 112 minutes
3,22 1.008 votes

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Duration: 112 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Sam Raimi

Stars: Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi and Keanu Reeves

IMDb score: 6,7 (77.164)

Releasedate: 16 March 2000

The Gift plot

"The only witness to the crime was not even there."

Annie Wilson is a young woman with a psychic gift. Through map reading she sees what is happening in the lives of others and tries to lend a hand. However, these efforts are not appreciated by everyone. When she advises one of her neighbors to flee from her brutal husband's beatings, she soon receives death threats. The man is also suspected of having something to do with the disappearance of a beautiful young woman. The investigation team enlists Annie's help, putting her life on the line.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Annie Wilson

Donnie Barksdale

Jessica King

Wayne Collins

Valerie Barksdale

Gerald Weems

David Duncan

Annie's Granny

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avatar van dvdcrusher


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One of the best movies I've seen in the last few months. Very strong role by Cate Blanchett. This film has a little more depth than the average thriller. Would love to see it again. Must be scared to have such a gift. I also believe in it after a prediction that at first seemed remotely impossible to me has come true, unfortunately.

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Raimi isn't really a director I hold very highly anyway, but after seeing his more serious thriller films I happily prefer his more recent action films. The noise is a lot more pleasant to watch than this dead thing.

This film had been in the pipeline for a long time, but was in no rush to be watched. After seeing this film it is immediately clear to me why. I didn't like it and I didn't get much of the atmosphere. I thought it all turned out deadly in a story that introduces one uninteresting element after another.

I didn't like Blachett at all. Nicely acted and so on, but no character who manages to make the 112 minutes much more interesting. Very well made too, not something I like to look at. The other characters are better, but not always as interesting. Actually, Reeves and Ribisi were the only ones that stood out to me positively.

The story is boring and the design is lame. I didn't taste much of the atmosphere, I didn't think anything had a real charisma. For example, the forest is an element that can be incredibly atmospheric, but it is not at all in The Gift. Other sequences from which there is much more to be gained are also put together flat.

Now I'm naturally not a fan of these kind of mystery thrillers, but I find The Gift a bit more boring than a lot of other films. It doesn't want to get anywhere but a little interesting or unusual. I thought it was a rather boring recording of a quaint and old-fashioned village. Few atmospheric moments, a thin visual layer and a cast that is not very special.

Still points for some special performances and a great finale. Other than that, I thought it was just a long one. I'm not necessarily a fan of the noisier Raimi movies, but after seeing his quieter movies, I'm craving some of the events in his movies again. This wasn't for me.

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The south of America often lends itself as an atmospheric background for dark mysteries. This is also the case in this film, in which a psychic plays a central role after the disappearance of a frivolous young woman without a trace. A decent thriller with an in itself not very surprising denouement. The cast with Cate Blanchett as the flag bearer is on track. Fine.

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