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Hot Frosty (2024)

Romance | 90 minutes
2,54 52 votes

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Jerry Ciccoritti

Stars: Lacey Chabert, Dustin Milligan and Katy Mixon

IMDb score: 5,3 (14.329)

Releasedate: 12 November 2024


Hot Frosty plot

"It took a snowman to melt her heart."

It’s been two years since Cathy lost her husband. Around the holidays, the widow magically brings a snowman to life. The doll, who looks like a handsome man, helps Cathy heal and find love again with his innocence. Although they bond and fall for each other, the relationship seems doomed because the snowman will melt.

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avatar van Aapje81


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The first Christmas movie of this season that I watched together with my wife. Everything that is desirable for a Christmas movie is neatly checked off and you as a viewer certainly get in the mood for Christmas. The atmosphere is warm, cozy and pleasant.

Hallmark all over the place, let's just say.

The cynic in me has to say that Lacey Chabert looks like she would rather be in another movie. Her co-star Dustin Milligan comes across as rather silly and has no chemistry with Chabert. Fortunately, the two police officers do a nice job with a comic note but they also get boring towards the end and with the best will in the world I have not found Chrishell Stausse anywhere in the movie.

Ultimately, the Christmas spirit of the film is beautiful and it remains a season to look forward to. I give a very small pass because I got a nice feeling from the film, but to be honest, there are much better genre films and I do not rule out that I would rate this film lower if I had seen more Christmas films recently.

Average Hallmark job.

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Despite the nice Christmas atmosphere and thought a weak story with two main characters who have no chemistry with each other. Dustin Milligan has a silly role and Chabert does not convince here. 4/10

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Romcom in a Christmas atmosphere.

Started watching this movie on Saturday night, but because we didn't think the snowman was handsome we watched another movie (Titanic). We finished watching the movie on Sunday night. The story is original, but of course not credible. But then again, more unbelievable stories are told at Christmas...... The (Christmas) message in the movie was very beautiful: you are/become someone because of your (good) deeds. And he did a lot of good things, so he was very loved! Still not a high score because the movie was simply too simplistic for that.

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