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Weekend in Taipei (2024)

Action | 100 minutes
2,78 29 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: France / Taiwan / United States

Directed by: George Huang

Stars: Luke Evans, Gwei Lun-mei and Sung Kang

IMDb score: 5,7 (3.841)

Releasedate: 19 September 2024


Weekend in Taipei plot

John Lawlor is a tenacious DEA agent married to his job. There's no villain he can't stop, nothing he won't sacrifice to finish a case. Joey Kang is a top transporter in Taipei, Taiwan. She drives fast, she thinks fast, she's hard to track, and she's impossible to catch. The pair eventually fell in love, but they were also torn apart by crime and corruption. Fifteen years later, fate puts John and Joey on a collision course during a weekend in Taipei.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

  • 13816 messages
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This movie is okay. Good pace, action is nice (although not memorable but fortunately without overkill and varied enough to remain interesting) and the atmosphere is reasonable. Sometimes you don't need anything more as cinema entertainment. I managed to amuse myself for over 90 minutes. Nothing more and nothing less.
The images from Taipei and surroundings are nice to see. Too bad that they mostly speak English there (which doesn't really help the acting) and sometimes Mandarin in between. That all makes no sense. Characters also remain superficial and don't expect any depth. The only real downside is the somewhat bland finale. The action is also a bit lukewarm. Nicely shot with that movie screen in the background but after the earlier action in the film it could have been bigger. 3.0*.

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Reasonable action film. The story is simple but that is allowed in this genre. The execution is quite average. The film has no low points but does not excel anywhere either. It is simply enjoyable to watch. The action is neat but never memorable. The finale is a bit disappointing. You expect a nice clash with one of the brutal bad guys but unfortunately that does not happen. Furthermore, the film has a comic note and they do not go too far with that, nicely in balance with the action. The acting is good. Visually colorfully filmed but also nowhere an outlier in terms of camera work. 3.0

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