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Apollo 11 (2019)

Documentary | 93 minutes
3,71 313 votes

Genre: Documentary / History

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Todd Douglas Miller

Starst: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins

IMDb score: 8,1 (27.808)

Releasedate: 1 March 2019

Apollo 11 plot

"A Cinematic Event 50 Years In The Making"

In 1969, the first manned American rocket traveled to the moon. The crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. The goal was to land on the moon and take a walk there. Aldrin and Armstrong descended to the lunar surface in the lunar lander Eagle, while Collins stayed behind in the Columbia spacecraft orbiting the moon. 49 years after this historic event, Miller made this documentary, using never-before-seen footage.

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“One small step for man... one giant leap for mankind.”

Solid documentary about the Apollo 11 mission. Certainly the beginning is strong, and in the part up to the launch you can feel the tension and excitement. Lots of talking heads and the dialogues are sometimes very dry and detailed, but that's not a problem here.

The journey to the moon and the moon landing is disappointing, and the jumbled and hazy way it's all portrayed is a major flaw. We hear a lot of talk about numbers and numbers, and of course the well-known words of Armstrong, but we've heard that countless times and it is a lot less impressive here. Especially because sometimes you have no idea what you're looking at.

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Have also watched For all mankind, and I must say that Apollo 11 is the least of the three. FAM and In the Shadow of the Moon tell the same story, but offer much more and more interesting footage, especially of the moon landing.

I also missed a bit of attention for the philosophical reflections, which I think inevitably arise when you view your own planet from the moon.

In retrospect, I see the added value of this somewhat distant and limited documentary less and less. I know: beautiful images etc., but they were already there, with something extra.

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Wow, beautiful images. It's amazing how they manage to bring this all up so many years later. Add to that a mysterious soundtrack and you have a fascinating documentary about the first persons on the moon. You must of course also be on the subject to watch this docu for an hour and a half, but that applies to all films, series and documentaries. I watched breathlessly.

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