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The Ranger (2018)

Horror | 77 minutes
2,37 19 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jenn Wexler

Stars: Chloë Levine, Granit Lahu and Jeremy Pope

IMDb score: 5,1 (2.677)

Releasedate: 17 August 2018

The Ranger plot

"Each year, millions visit our national parks. Not everyone gets to leave."

Chelsea and her friends come into contact with the police and they flee the city to a secluded cottage. There they spend their time using the drug Echo. Chelsea is not keen on her new surroundings and she also hides some secrets from her friends. When confronted with her past, the punks must face a crazed forest ranger.

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  • 9536 messages
  • 5977 votes

I agree with my predecessor joolstein.... mediocre horror work without any tension or significant scenes. Fortunately, the gore is well depicted, but little is done with the rest. Considering the location, killer and characters, this could have had a different effect. 4/10

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  • 215 messages
  • 501 votes

Boring, long-winded film. Not recommended. Maybe 1 or 2 nice things, that's it

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