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The Waterboy (1998)

Comedy | 90 minutes
2,56 924 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank Coraci

Stars: Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates and Henry Winkler

IMDb score: 6,2 (183.617)

Releasedate: 6 November 1998

The Waterboy plot

"You can mess with him. But don't mess with his water."

Bobby Boucher (Sandler) loves his job as a water carrier for the school's football team, despite being a constant victim of gross jokes and humiliation. His life changes when he is discovered as a unique football talent and is admitted to university. Unfortunately, he has to keep this news a secret from his overprotective mother Helen Boucher (Bates).

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Bobby Boucher

Mama Helen Boucher

Vicki Vallencourt

Coach Klein

Coach Red Beaulieu

Farmer Fran

Gee Grenouille

Lyle Robideaux

Casey Bugge

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Thought those Adam Sandler movies got more and more stupid over the years, but this earlier print from 1998 can do something about it too. Only the sparse soundtrack tunes are worth hearing and the colorful decor that apparently is hip in Louisana looks nice. The rest is downright rubbish. Sandler continuously puts on an annoying voice and then the film is almost immediately ruined. Beyond that, such an incredible zero to hero story has absolutely nothing to offer.

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“Gatorade not only quenches your thirst better, it tastes better too.”

Mediocre. But on the other hand, The Waterboy is also so incredibly bad that it almost becomes fun to watch again. And I think the makers and actors know that too. Sandler is beyond all shame here as a stupid 'waterboy' with a speech impediment and quite a few mamma issues. When he turns out to have talent for American Football, it still causes some comical situations, but mostly it is very bland. Kathy Bates still has a nice role and does not do badly as Sandler's mother.

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The Waterboy is a somewhat strange mix between different types of films. For example, you have a film that sincerely tries to highlight a serious subject. For example, Sandler's character is probably someone who is "different". On the other hand, this is a very typical Sandler movie, with idiotic voice and all.

The only problem is that the comedy side of the story dominates so that the more serious side falls into the water completely. I thought that Coraci could maintain that balance much better during Click. The main problem with the film is Sandler himself, who mainly acts foolishly and plays a character that we should feel sympathy for. That doesn't work at all with this guy.

On the other hand, I also found the sports scenes a bit disappointing, I especially missed the crazy characters. They can provide a good impact, but in this case it is mainly normal hassle. To then see Sandler in between is not going so well. The advantage, however, is that it all looks good and has pretty detailed scenes in between, such as the house of Bates.

It looks nice and probably won't hurt anyone, but disturbing is the fact that this film doesn't mix drama, sports and comedy very well. Separately they are nice, but together they don't work. Under the layers of nonsense there is still a reasonable film hidden, but Coraci simply does not succeed in getting it above the ground. Always sin.

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