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The Corruptor (1999)

Action | 110 minutes
2,63 305 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: James Foley

Stars: Chow Yun-fat, Mark Wahlberg and Ric Young

IMDb score: 6,1 (19.491)

Releasedate: 12 March 1999

The Corruptor plot

"You can't play by the rules if there aren't any."

A cop goes undercover in a dangerous crime scene to investigate kidnapping and drug trafficking cases. He gets help from an agent from Hong Kong. Together they try to tackle the criminal gang "The Fukanese Dragons".

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Detective Danny Wallace

Lieutenant Nick Chen

Benny Wong

Henry Lee

Sean Wallace

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  • 3444 messages
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Had a little different expectation from this movie. Actually, I felt like watching a violent Chinese action movie. Unfortunately it was not what I expected. More of a crime drama with a little shoot-out here and there. Script was original and addressed corruption and human trafficking in little china. Was just hard to get into. I also found the relationship between Fat and Walhberg difficult.

Small enough, but would have to watch the film again to fully appreciate it.

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Nicely conceived story about a Chinese immigrant living in the US to keep the peace in Chinatown. Are still typical ingredients to put down a smashing action film. In terms of action scenes, this is quite successful. Unfortunately, the story regularly turns out too whirling, and the acting is not very good. The focus is on Yun-Fat Chow, and Markie Mark's part is neglected. Typically such a film that isn't bad to watch, but you don't miss anything if you let it go.

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Reasonable. In itself an interesting subject that takes place in Chinatown. With a good role (actually a typical role) by Chow-Yun Fat, but a lesser role by Mark Wahlberg. Has some entertaining action scenes, but actually lasts a bit too long in terms of playing time, which makes the film a bit sluggish. Unfortunately, it's not the spectacle I had hoped for, and is more like a somewhat standard film with a better story. Sorry, was a bit disappointing.

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