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Céline et Julie Vont en Bateau (1974)

Comedy | 193 minutes
3,42 60 votes

Genre: Comedy / Fantasy

Duration: 193 minuten

Alternative titles: Celine and Julie Go Boating / Phantom Ladies over Paris

Country: France

Directed by: Jacques Rivette

Stars: Juliet Berto, Dominique Labourier and Bulle Ogier

IMDb score: 7,2 (6.646)

Releasedate: 18 September 1974


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Céline et Julie Vont en Bateau plot

Céline and Julie meet in a park in Paris. They become friends and decide to tell each other stories at Julie's house. Céline tells an incredibly melodramatic story set in an old house. According to her, not only did it really happen, but she herself also plays a role in the story. The parallels between the narration and the reality disturb Julie.

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  • 35 messages
  • 115 votes

Celine and Julie Go Boating

The movie is from 1974 and today, few viewers have the patience to watch a movie for 194 minutes, that's why mini-series and series have gained a lot of fans. The film is remarkable in terms of narrative and original art. The cinematic references in the movie are interesting and the acting of the actors (Celine and Julie) is good. The film is about friendship and how two people become friends in a modern city of Paris. In addition to this friendship, the film pays attention to the concept of modernity, and therefore this friendship in its depth becomes the change of identity of two friends in modern daily life.