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Los Farad (2023)

1 season
3,50 1 votes

Alternative title: The Farads

State: In Production

Genre: Thriller

Origin: Spain

Developed by: Mariano Barroso and Alejandro Hernández

Stars: Pedro Casablanc, Miguel Herrán and Susana Abaitua

IMDb score: 6,9 (993)

Releasedate: Tuesday 12 December 2023

Los Farad plot

Oskar has been dreaming of setting up a gym for years. Thanks to Sara, the daughter of the Farad family, he eventually ends up in Marbella on the Costa del Sol. The Farad family offers him a future there to realize his dreams. But he soon discovers that he is tied to the Farad family and in return ends up in the arms trade.

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