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Condor (2018-2020)

2 seasons
3,16 37 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Thriller

Origin: United States

Developed by: Jason Smilovic, Todd Katzberg and Ken Robinson

Stars: Max Irons, Bob Balaban and William Hurt

IMDb score: 7,7 (18.438)

Releasedate: Wednesday 6 June 2018

Condor plot

Turner is an idealistic millennial who secretly joins the CIA in hopes of reforming the CIA from within. But when everyone in his office is slaughtered by professional assassins, this brilliant analyst is forced to step out of his think tank and sit in an ivory tower to battle the most dangerous elements in the military-industrial complex. Joe will have to do things he never thought possible - only to discover that no one knows his true character until they are tested under fire.

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Opinions about Condor

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  • 418 votes
Saturday 1 August 2020
Condor season 2

Condor's S2 is much to criticize, just like the first season. And yet I watched all 10 episodes in awe. Condor is about espionage, the CIA, Moscow, double agents and the associated complex family relationships. The spy in my bed in particular is a theme that we know from the 6 seasons of The Americans. All the lines come together nicely in the last episodes, and the big and small complications are fascinating enough to tie an episode to it.
At the same time, there is much to criticize; the characters are stereotypical, your brain demands the utmost from you to accept the unbelievability and main character Max Irons walks around in the series as if he doesn't know what he's doing there himself. For such a supporting role, your protagonist must have much more charisma. Unsatisfactory scores are also scored in the supporting roles.
But if you like series like Treadstone, Hanna, Jack Ryan and Agent Hamilton, give this little brother an episode or so.

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