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Poltergeist: The Legacy (1996-1998)

2 seasons
3,43 7 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Horror

Origin: Canada / United States

Developed by: Richard Barton Lewis

Stars: Derek de Lint, Martin Cummins and Helen Shaver

IMDb score: 6,9 (2.087)

Releasedate: Sunday 21 April 1996


Poltergeist: The Legacy plot

The Legacy is an ancient alliance dedicated to fighting the evil forces trying to invade our modern world. The charming medium Dr. Derek Rayne is in charge of the Legacy Branch in San Francisco, a secret organization that is at the forefront of humanity's fight against supernatural enemies. Together with a Navy SEAL, a priest, a college student and a psychiatrist, he must solve the mysteries of the unknown... to protect our world.

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