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Vampire Academy (2022)

1 season
1,63 4 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Marguerite MacIntyre and Julie Plec

Stars: Sisi Stringer, Daniela Nieves and Kieron Moore

IMDb score: 6,4 (9.266)

Releasedate: Thursday 15 September 2022

Vampire Academy plot

This series follows a group of students studying at St. Vladimir's Academy. In this school, well-bred vampires in a glamorous, privileged world are primed to face off against so-called Strigoi vampires, who are trying to disperse their vampire community. Two young college girls, one of good descent and one of lower class, a half-vampire, must put their differences aside and work together to complete their training and protect their society.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Victor Dashkov

Vasilisa Dragomir

Christian Ozera

Tatiana Vogel

Rose Hathaway

Dimitri Belikov

Mason Ashford