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Roadkill (2020)

3,39 14 votes

Show title: Roadkill

IMDb score: 6,8 (6.008)

Episodes: 4

Playing time: 3 hour and 40 minutes

Developed by: George Faber and David Hare

Stars: Hugh Laurie, Helen McCrory and Pippa Bennett-Warner

Origin: United Kingdom

Releasedate: Sunday 18 October 2020

First aired on: BBC One (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Roadkill plot

Peter Laurence is a self-made and charismatic politician cum tyrant. His public and private life seems to be collapsing, or rather, being torn apart by his enemies. As the personal revelations get worse, he walks shamelessly and unhampered by guilt or regret on the verge of glory and catastrophe. He always thinks about his own skin while others conspire to bring him down. Enemies even appear in his own familiar circle.

Episodes Season 1 (2020)

  1. Episode 1

    18 October 2020 (55 minutes)

  2. Episode 2

    18 October 2020 (55 minutes)

  3. Episode 3

    18 October 2020 (55 minutes)

  4. Episode 4

    18 October 2020 (55 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Peter Laurence

Dawn Ellison

Rochelle Madeley

Julia Blythe

Bryony Beckett

Luke Strand

Lily Laurence

Mick 'The Mouth' Murray

Reviews & comments

avatar van AniSter


  • 2035 messages
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It just might have happened (or still happen). A good example of how things work here and there in politics/private life. Well set up and realistic. Great cast and good for a second season considering the open ends. Fascinating series that I look forward to a sequel!

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