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Riches (2022)

1 season
3,25 2 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Abby Ajayi

Stars: Deborah Ayorinde, Hugh Quarshie and Sarah Niles

IMDb score: 7,2 (1.974)

Releasedate: Friday 2 December 2022

Riches plot

The Richards family is stylish, very successful and has many privileges. Stephen Richards, the paterfamilias, has after all built up a large cosmetics group, and is still head of the business there. When he suddenly has a stroke, the family's world collapses. Both his life and the future of his company hang in the balance, and his various children seem to be fighting to maintain some control (and wealth). Then family secrets and lies come to the surface.

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