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Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017)

4 seasons
3,98 51 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Christopher Cantwell and Christopher C. Rogers

Stars: Lee Pace, Scoot McNairy and Mackenzie Davis

IMDb score: 8,4 (36.508)

Releasedate: Sunday 1 June 2014

Halt and Catch Fire plot

The series is set in early 1980s Texas. Joe MacMillan is an ambitious businessman with a past at IBM. One day he joins the humble computer company Cardiff Electric. There he meets Gordon Clark, a talented but unsung computer engineer with a drinking problem. When the pair try to reverse engineer IBM's PC to create a better and cheaper computer, a fierce competition ensues between MacMillan's previous and current employer. To prevent IBM from suing them, Cardiff Electric hires young computer engineer Cameron Howe.

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Opinions about Halt and Catch Fire

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  • 409 votes
Sunday 22 October 2017
Halt and Catch Fire season 1

Very nice series, which reminded me a bit of House MD in terms of pace, characters and alternation between drama and comedy. The early 80s setting is very interesting, complete with a wealth of visual details and references. Fortunately, the series does not drown in nostalgia, but the plot lines are also very worthwhile. Excellently played and strongly portrayed. I will definitely watch the next seasons.

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