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Dossier Verhulst (1986-1987)

1 season
3,72 9 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Netherlands

Developed by: Joop van den Ende and Sylvia Steinert

Stars: Derek de Lint, Liz Snoyink and Jules Hamel

IMDb score: 7,5 (42)

Releasedate: Friday 7 November 1986


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Dossier Verhulst plot

The story revolves around the young, recently graduated lawyer Eric Hoogland who opens his office in Hoorn. In this he is supported by his older girlfriend Nicole Lebbink and advised by his patron Mr. De Vos, the private lawyer of businessman Oscar Verhulst. The marriage of Oscar and his much younger wife Lucy, partly thanks to her many boyfriends, is very bad. Eric is delighted when he is soon visited by the respected businessman Oscar Verhulst. However, the amiable Verhulst turns out to be a hard-core fraud who deals with corpses.


Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Lucy Verhulst-Van Delden

Nicolle Lebbink

Gieltje Verhulst

Roel Smits

Peter de Koning

Jan Hoogland

Betsie Groen

Henri Bolleman

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