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Good Girls (2018-2021)

4 seasons
3,58 122 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Jenna Bans

Stars: Christina Hendricks, Retta and Mae Whitman

IMDb score: 7,7 (64.158)

Releasedate: Monday 26 February 2018

Good Girls plot

Three suburban moms must make ends meet. When they feel it's time to do something about their financial situation, they rob a local supermarket with (toy) guns. Unfortunately, things don't go quite as expected and the three mothers find out that it's going to be a little harder to get away with the crime and loot.

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Opinions about Good Girls

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  • 2395 votes
Tuesday 11 June 2019
Good Girls season 2

This series has it all. It's feminist, but not in the annoyingly pushy way you often see. It's well put together, great humor, nice characters that are often very layered and the soundtrack is cool. Already picked a lot of songs from the Spotify soundtrack list for my own list.

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