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The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023-2024)

2 seasons
3,08 19 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Adventure

Origin: United States

Developed by: Eli Jorne

Stars: Lauren Cohan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Zeljko Ivanek

IMDb score: 7,1 (24.102)

Releasedate: Sunday 18 June 2023

The Walking Dead: Dead City plot

Maggie and Negan travel to a post-apocalyptic Manhattan cut off from the mainland in search of Maggie's kidnapped son Hershel. Isolated since the return of the dead, the island has developed its own unique threats. In town, Maggie and Negan encounter native New Yorkers, evade a law enforcement officer with a troubled past, and hunt for a notorious killer. But as the pair venture further into the gritty depths of the undead-infested city, it becomes clear that the traumas of their tumultuous past are just as much of a threat as the dangers of the present.

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Opinions about The Walking Dead: Dead City

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  • 141 votes
Sunday 23 July 2023
The Walking Dead: Dead City season 1

Much better than what Disney does just like Marvel. That New York location is fantastic, set design and camera work.

Negan and Maggie are fascinating together. And together they make a very good team. Negan's character development is why I continued with The Walking Dead because the series was no good anymore. Lots of silly storylines and characters. Negan gave me just enough to keep watching, combined with Maggie's past, these six episodes were just a treat.

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