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Vstrecha na Elbe (1949)

War | 104 minutes
3,00 2 votes

Genre: War

Duration: 104 minuten

Alternative titles: Встреча на Эльбе / Meeting on the Elbe

Country: Soviet Union

Directed by: Grigoriy Aleksandrov and Aleksei Utkin

Stars: Vladlen Davydov, Boris Andreyev and Lyubov Orlova

IMDb score: 6,0 (135)

Releasedate: 16 March 1949


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Vstrecha na Elbe plot

This film tells about ex-Nazis, people involved in black trade, about Russian and American soldiers who were based on the East-West front in Germany, but also about a friendship between two commanders that comes under pressure.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Janet Sherwood, journalist

Commander Kuzmin

Maslov, member of the military soviet

Major James Hill

Sgt. Garri Perebyeinoga

General MacDermott

Mrs. MacDermott

Tommy, a captain

Sergant Egorkin

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  • 885 messages
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Director Aleksandrov recreates the staged historical encounter on the Elbe in 1945. After most Nazis have fled in haste and the town of Torgau has fallen into the hands of the Red Army, American troops also rush in to celebrate victory with the Russians. And that's it for the arrogant General McDermot and the American soldiers. They are not interested in cooperation and development. Getting drunk in the nightclub and smuggling cigarettes is a priority. And occasionally beat up a black soldier and harass the ladies. As the new Göring, McDermot is mainly concerned with the art trade. And then there are the intrigues, helping a war criminal escape. No, the Americans do not make themselves very popular. To the delight of the residents, they leave quickly. My wife summarizes the film in one word: propaganda.

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