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Defenseless (1991)

Thriller | 104 minutes
3,30 15 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Martin Campbell

Stars: Barbara Hershey, Sam Shepard and Mary Beth Hurt

IMDb score: 5,5 (1.257)

Releasedate: 23 August 1991

Defenseless plot

"Stalked by a madman. Framed by a killer. Terrified by the truth."

Thelma is a lawyer who must protect Steven Seldes because he is suspected of making pornographic films with minors. In addition, Seldes and Thelma are in love with each other, but then she learns that he is married to an old school friend of hers. Thelma is furious about this, and an altercation between her and Seldes turns into a fight in which she injures him. However, the next day Seldes is found dead.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Thelma 'T.K.' Knudsen Katwuller

Det. Beutel

Ellie Seldes

Steven Seldes

Janna Seldes

Jack Hammer

Mrs. Bodeck

Dubbing Theatre Employee

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  • 12464 messages
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Reasonable film about a lawyer who has a secret relationship with a married client of hers. Credibility is sometimes hard to find (in several respects). But this makes the film (unintentionally) somewhat entertaining (including the moments in which the main character talks to himself). It doesn't get boring and the plot is entertaining. A narrow 3.0 stars.

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A lawyer has a budding relationship with one of her clients accused of ties to a porn studio that employs underage girls. Not much later he is found murdered.. This was a thriller that had some suspenseful moments and was mostly about the whodunnit. It is a pity that the film does not rise much above an average TV film. With names like Hershey and Shepard I expected it to be stronger, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. So a solid mid-engine.

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