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Mute (2018)

Mystery | 126 minutes
2,51 262 votes

Genre: Mystery / Scifi

Duration: 126 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / Germany

Directed by: Duncan Jones

Stars: Alexander Skarsgård, Paul Rudd and Justin Theroux

IMDb score: 5,5 (38.480)

Releasedate: 23 February 2018


Mute plot

"He doesn’t need words."

Set in the near future, 'Mute' follows a bartender named Leo who lives in the bustling city of Berlin. Due to an accident in his childhood Leo has lost the ability to talk and the only good thing in his life is his girlfriend Naadirah. However, when she seems to have disappeared without a trace, he starts a search for her. The only recurring lead he has are two sarcastic American surgeons, and Leo is forced to search the underworld for his love.

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  • 6251 messages
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Disappointment from director Duncan Jones, this slow and especially vague SF drama. Excellent cast and technically everything is nicely put together, but there is little to experience in terms of content. Fortunately, the second half of the film is a lot better and things work towards a fairly exciting and satisfying finale, but there certainly could have been more here. The connection to Jones' debut film, Moon, is so subtle that you'll miss it if you blink.

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