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Hell Night (1981)

Horror | 101 minutes
2,72 114 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tom DeSimone

Stars: Linda Blair, Vincent Van Patten and Kevin Brophy

IMDb score: 5,6 (9.249)

Releasedate: 28 August 1981

Hell Night plot

"Scream and you're dead!"

To be accepted into a college club, four prospective members must spend a night at the infamous Garth Manor. And that exactly on the day that it is twelve years ago that a previous resident murdered his family.

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avatar van EVIL '84

EVIL '84

  • 415 messages
  • 294 votes

Mediocre but atmospheric 80's slasher. Linda Blair is always fun to watch, but don't save the movie. Everything is a bit tame and predictable. The kills are reasonably portrayed, but not bloody enough for my taste. The large country house with its secret passages created a good atmosphere, but more could have been achieved there too. A film with too long a running time and just too little content, unfortunately. Nice to see once but nothing more.

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avatar van wendyvortex


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Surprisingly good variation on the theme of the students who have to spend the night in a haunted house as an initiation. Good pace, good actors, sympathetic beef cattle, Linda Blair as a very good student, the costumes that sometimes give it a bit of a Hammer look. I can get away with this quite a bit.

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avatar van Bobbejaantje


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Hell Night does make a link with the traditional (Universal) horror films. One of the scenes gave me flashbacks to Frankenstein struggling through narrow castle corridors. And more generally, the atmosphere is very expressionistic thanks to the precise lighting. The story takes place during one night and that's nice. The characters are sympathetic enough to empathize with. And one of them is a real horror icon with Linda Blair. Very atmospheric and portrayed with the necessary suspense. A good idea to only show the killer with flashes. That adds to the threatening character and makes it even more mystical. In terms of gore, this movie is pretty good on average, considering the era and the resources they had at their disposal. To me, this is a sleazy gem among early 80s slashers. When I read that this film has become cult, I am not surprised.

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