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Half Dead Fred (2023)

Horror | 98 minutes
2,25 2 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Bron Theron

Stars: Jason London, Corin Nemec and Tiffany Shepis

IMDb score: 6,3 (65)

Releasedate: 15 March 2023

Half Dead Fred plot

A mysterious murder is taking place in Flint Michigan and medium detective Freddy Nash is on the case. There is a treasure to be found and there are paranormal creatures that cannot go unseen. Years ago, Fred was the victim of a fatal car accident that killed not only Fred but also his nine-year-old son. A few seconds after his death, he came back to life in the hospital. Since this traumatic accident, he has gained the ability to see the dead. He is helped by an old friend from Alcoholics Anonymous, although he has not been drinking for years. The Michigan case turns out to be much more than a murder.

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