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Anatomie (2000)

Horror | 103 minutes
2,79 232 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative title: Anatomy

Country: Germany

Directed by: Stefan Ruzowitzky

Stars: Franka Potente, Benno Fürmann and Anna Loos

IMDb score: 6,0 (14.344)

Releasedate: 3 February 2000

Anatomie plot

"Some study. Some are studied."

Paula Henning, a beautiful medical student, is delighted to have been accepted into the famous Professor Grombeck's anatomy course at Heidelberg University. But the first corpse she has to dissect sends her chills. It is the corpse of an unknown young man she had met the night before. Paula tries to find out who the man was and how he met his end. She discovers that strange things are happening at the university that cannot bear the light of day. Exposing this could even endanger her own life.

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  • 296 messages
  • 136 votes

Thought this was a very American film .. until after 5 minutes I started to have my doubts and took a good look at the back of the cover .. German.

Not bad in itself, but every time I see a film that is not spoken in English or Dutch, I always notice a disappointment. Why? I still don't know myself.. With a few exceptions I prefer an English or Dutch spoken film.

The story itself is fine. But unfortunately for me not catchy enough to say that he is super. It also reminded me a lot of Pathology. Now, of course, Anatomy was there before, so if there's any talk of 'stealing the story' then that would definitely be Pathology's fault.

Still, I'd rather put Pathology on again than this movie.

There are beautiful parts in it.. Things I absolutely missed in Pathology. But alas, that doesn't change how I feel about this movie.

Don't get me wrong, don't think he's bad.. But he doesn't excel either. Just a mediocre snack. A film that throws you in a box after seeing it once, from which it will never come out.


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  • 19752 messages
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Very nice film about an anatomy course where ethics in medicine is not taken so closely. I had heard of the anti-hippocrats, but I wasn't quite sure how long they had been around and what their motivations were. This is all presented to the viewer in an interesting and exciting way in an exciting thriller jacket.

Some parts I just really liked. Never mind seeing all the guts and muscles in documentaries about hospitals or whatever.

It is very well acted. I also thought before I started the film that it would be an American production, so I had to swallow for a moment when German was spoken. Unconsciously I suddenly start thinking that it must be a weak B-movie. Luckily I was wrong and I was kind of sucked into the story.

Here and there it could have been a little more gruesome. Also, the ending didn't have to be so sweet for me. Saves just half a point.

3 stars, because I am positively surprised about this production.

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  • 11716 messages
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This film has nothing to do with Horror at all, but as a Thriller this German film was quite reasonable.

The somewhat cliché story with a somewhat predictable course, is nicely put together and also knows how to captivate. The film also manages to build a certain tension towards the search for the perpetrators of the bizarre practices (people are kidnapped, who are then used for illegal anatomy practices) at the University of Heidelberg. The execution of the story is also good and that is mainly thanks to the German good actress Franka Potente, in the role of Paula Henning, who is a medical student, who plays quite deservingly. The opening of the story, where anatomy was performed on a aware patient, was nice and was also visually (especially the hand) nicely portrayed. Also the scene with Paula Henning's somewhat slutty girlfriend Gretchen (played by Anna Loos), who was made fun of a boyfriend in the anatomy room, was worth mentioning.

The last (say the last 30 minutes of the story) part of the story, where it is more or less known who is behind the bizarre practices (a kind of ritual cult called "aAa" where Hein, played by Benno Fürmann, completely derailed), was quite nice and also has a surprise in store that was quite cliché and also very predictable.

All in all, just a reasonable German thriller, which does look away nicely and which, with a duration of exactly 90 minutes, never really gets boring or boring.

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