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Tin Dei Hung Sam (1997)

Fantasy | 108 minutes
2,00 3 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Action

Duration: 108 minuten

Alternative titles: Armageddon / 天地雄心

Country: Hong-Kong

Directed by: Gordon Chan

Stars: Andy Lau, Michelle Reis and Anthony Chau-Sang Wong

IMDb score: 4,6 (329)

Releasedate: 1 January 1997


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Tin Dei Hung Sam plot

A SWAT team searches for a hostage, but the good man seemingly spontaneously explodes before he can be freed. His violent death coincides with a major failure of electronics and satellite connections. The man is the latest in a long line of victims. What all the dead have in common is that they were once proclaimed the great geniuses of our time and the last name on that list is Doctor Ken, the man described as 'the walking encyclopedia'.

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