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Godenzoon (2008)

Fantasy | 40 minutes
3,00 4 votes

Genre: Fantasy

Duration: 40 minuten

Alternative title: One Night Stand III - Godenzoon

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Wolke Kluppell

Stars: Bart Klever and Wimie Wilhelm

IMDb score: 6,3 (11)

Releasedate: 27 September 2008


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Godenzoon plot

Freddy's old football dreams have been lying at the bottom of a large pit in the living room for years, from which the broken sewage system gapes at him like an open wound. His wife Elza is mainly grumpy and angry. Their daughter Cornelia, a girl with Down syndrome, has to get by with almost no attention and love. Then a child falls from the sky. Not just any kid, it's a beautiful black baby. It's as if life offers them a second chance. However, when it turns out that the boy is always seven years older by thunderclap, the family is accelerated, which appeals to everyone's ability and inability.

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