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Your Friends & Neighbors (1998)

Drama | 100 minutes
3,24 47 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Neil LaBute

Stars: Amy Brenneman, Aaron Eckhart and Catherine Keener

IMDb score: 6,3 (8.439)

Releasedate: 4 February 1998

Your Friends & Neighbors plot

"A modern immorality tale."

Mary and Barry, newly married, invite cohabiting couple Jerry and Terri to their new home. When the opportunity presents itself, Jerry asks Mary if he can meet her alone. As their affair blossoms and bleeds to death, Terri has also found relief with another: Cheri, the local gallery assistant. Meanwhile, Barry is mostly dealing with himself, his frustrations and his desires.

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