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Spartacus (2004)

Drama | 174 minutes (mini series, 2 parts)
3,40 402 votes

Genre: Drama / Action

Duration: 174 minuten (mini series, 2 parts)

Country: United States

Directed by: Robert Dornhelm

Stars: Goran Visnjic, Alan Bates and Angus Macfadyen

IMDb score: 6,6 (5.868)

Releasedate: 17 March 2004


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Spartacus plot

In 72 BC, when the merciless authority of the Roman Empire reached far, each conquered land produced new slaves to obey their Roman masters. Spartacus, who as a boy witnessed his father's murder and was sold into slavery, would eventually lead a slave revolt against the powerful generals and politicians of Rome.

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Spartacus is a character that really fascinates me. Although I never really saw much of it, I was aware of the story, as far as it can be talked about. Three hours, that's something you quickly look forward to.

It all seemed a bit too Hollywood-esque. As Goodfella mentioned, the hair is neatly combed. But also the image that is created about how someone should be. He has no flaws in the film and everyone accepts him as perfect. A bit thick of course.

The feeling that was evoked while watching the film was good again.

I thought the ending was weak. Of course it is logical that a film like this ends in such a way, but it was brought very dry here. He runs for a while and then he is boxed in and stabbed to death. It would have been nicer if he had just gone down fighting.


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For me Spartacus (1960) is inimitable.

This one works, but it doesn't give me that feeling and that atmosphere.

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