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Homeboy (1988)

Drama | 116 minutes
2,34 76 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Michael Seresin

Stars: Mickey Rourke, Christopher Walken and Debra Feuer

IMDb score: 5,8 (2.900)

Releasedate: 24 August 1988

Homeboy plot

"Some people live life blow by blow."

The life of Johnny Walker (Mickey Rourke) is not a bed of roses. As a prize fighter, he takes on any challenge to earn a few cents. He has to fight hard to stay upright, both literally and figuratively. And the tank is almost empty... Together with his manager Wesley Pendergrass (Christopher Walken) he tries to bring his last matches to a good end. Wesley only knows one way to make a big hit... deploy Johnny on a big break-in. Does this mean the end for Johnny Walker?

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