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De Domeinen Ditvoorst (1992)

Documentary | 112 minutes
3,12 13 votes

Genre: Documentary

Duration: 112 minuten

Alternative title: The Ditvoorst Domains

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Thom Hoffman

Stars: Bernardo Bertolucci, Jan de Bont and Robby Müller

IMDb score: 6,5 (31)

Releasedate: 1 October 1992


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


De Domeinen Ditvoorst plot

Actor Thom Hoffman made a documentary about the life and work of Dutch filmmaker Adriaan Ditvoorst, who died in 1987. Hoffman, who played the lead role in Ditvoorst's last film De Witte delusion, became friends with him during the shooting. After seeing a film retrospective organized on the occasion of Ditvoorst's death, Hoffman came up with the idea for the film. The Ditvoorst domains are made up of twenty interviews with friends and acquaintances of the director, fragments from his films and staged scenes in which the alter ego of Hoffman, a Ditvoorst biographer, is central.

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