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Triple 9 (2016)

Crime | 115 minutes
3,03 777 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 115 minuten

Alternative title: Triple Nine

Country: United States

Directed by: John Hillcoat

Stars: Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Anthony Mackie

IMDb score: 6,3 (77.961)

Releasedate: 19 February 2016

Triple 9 plot

"The Code on the Street is Never Black & White"

After a recently successful robbery, a group of criminal ex-servicemen are blackmailed by the Russian mafia to carry out one last very dangerous assignment. To do this, they enlist the help of a number of corrupt cops friends. In order for the robbery to succeed, they see only one way out, to activate code '999': a police code for 'cop shot'. This code should provide the necessary distraction. Mutual trust is slowly crumbling with far-reaching consequences for everyone. What unfolds is a story full of doubles, greed, mistrust and revenge.

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Michael Atwood

Chris Allen

Marcus Belmont

Sergeant Detective Jeffrey Allen

Gabe Welch

Irina Vlaslov

Elena Vlaslov

Russel Welch

Michelle Allen

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In advance a promising film that actually seemed to have everything to succeed.Triple 9 had a fine cast on board, including Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor,Kate Winslet and Woody Harrelson, the Australian director John Hillcoat had with his previous three flms (Lawles, the Road and the Proposition) built up a formidable reputation and the story/script also seemed to be full of possibilities.

And in the end Triple 9 certainly didn't become a bad film, but after watching it I was left with a somewhat disappointed feeling.

Seems a bit like Hillcoat has taken a bit too much on his fork because despite some strong scenes and decent acting (Affleck even makes a very strong impression) Triple 9 has an unpleasant pace, the film just doesn't run, looks messy in terms of scenario and as the story progresses you slowly but surely start to lose interest.

It's not entirely clear to me what it is all about, but Triple 9 never comes loose and is ultimately a somewhat unpleasant viewing experience, although the film certainly has certain qualities.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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The film is very similar to Heat. And even though Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are not among them, the film can still count on an impressive cast. A film full of intrigue with the necessary action and a fascinating story. Yet at first sight. But while Heat still focuses on the chemistry between De Niro and Pacino, it takes a while to find the main characters here. Lots of famous names isn't always a blessing either. They do run into each other, but then you have the idea of 'I haven't even seen you before'. The director doesn't seem to really be in control and doesn't really know how to build tension or atmosphere. A film that could have had more residents, but that takes itself way too seriously and thinks that a well-known poster is enough to make the film work.

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999 is police code for 'cop killer' and that code plays an important role in this crime thriller about five corrupt police officers who rob a bank and steal one of the safe deposit boxes. But after this job their clients Vassili [Igor Komar] and Irina Vlaslov [Kate Winslet] demand that they also steal a number of data files. Refusing is not an option because then Vassili will reveal their identity. Chiwetel Ejiofor plays the ringleader of this police gang, Woody Harrelson, an embittered detective whose nephew [Casey Affleck] becomes the new partner of one of the corrupt cops. Fairly predictable crime thriller only escapes the label of mediocre B-movie due to its impressive cast and a noble attempt to imitate the style of Michael Mann (Miami Vice, Heat).

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