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Feed (2005)

Crime | 97 minutes
2,62 371 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: Australia

Directed by: Brett Leonard

Stars: Patrick Thompson, Alex O'Loughlin and Gabby Millgate

IMDb score: 5,3 (6.180)

Releasedate: 11 May 2005


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Feed plot

"Can you stomach it?"

Philipp is an Australian police officer who deals with internet crime and porn. He becomes convinced that a website for 'feeders' - lovers of extremely fat women who try to 'feed' these women even fatter - is a cover for sinister practices. Philipp manages to track down the man behind this site and ends up in the US. Here he goes into battle with this Michael, who appears to be holding a number of women captive who have to eat themselves to death.

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K. V.

  • 4218 messages
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I took a chance on this one and it wasn't a bad film, but the film had to rely more on the concept than the execution. Not that the film is boring, just the acting was a bit disappointing. They were not immediately A-actors and it was something to criticize.

But in terms of story, it was interesting enough to keep you interested for the entire playing time.

In terms of grossness, the film was not that bad, except for a fat woman and some fat in a funnel, there was not much special.

It was also a nice ending and the choice of music was also well chosen. Well, not a must-see, but I didn't think it was that bad either.

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Two things keep this unsavory work going somewhat: a disturbed but fascinating subject and to a lesser extent the visual effect. Beyond that, the film follows a fairly familiar police thriller pattern, including a clichéd sociopath and devout who goes outside the box to solve a 'case'.

Unfortunately, the film often falls short in terms of soundtrack and the acting is of dubiously low level. That agent's decisions were often not too bright either, so it's not exactly a world plan to have a nice cup of coffee with a mentally disturbed serial killer. However, the film only loses most of its praise during the settlement of the plot, there the film almost drowns in ludicrousness. Needs no further explanation I think.

Not a bad attempt but could have done a lot more. 2.0*.

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Starts off as a pretty crazy and dirty picture, but progresses like a fairly standard thriller. With the necessary filth, but you don't get to see much more than that. If it also contains lousy acting, you've pretty much ruined a movie with a great premise.


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