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Boefje (1939)

Crime | 94 minutes
2,68 28 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Douglas Sirk

Stars: Annie van Ees, Guus Brox and Albert van Dalsum

IMDb score: 6,2 (109)

Releasedate: 4 October 1939


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Boefje plot

Rotterdam schoffie (played by 45-year-old actress Annie van Ees) escapes from an educational institution and, together with his friend Pietje Puk, makes the harbor quarter of Rotterdam unsafe. Only the pastor recognizes that the child is not bad, but neglected and manages to save the boy from many predicaments.

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Rather static and moralistic whole with few fascinating or interesting events. Strangely enough, there is rarely room for comedy or drama, only in one of the last scenes is there something to laugh about. The shouty and pushy acting of a large part of the cast also does the film no favors. Annie van Ees, as 'Rascal', is unfortunately the most annoying. Often unintelligible too. Visually quite nice because of the beautifully depicted alleys, courtyards and other locations of Rotterdam in the late 1930s.

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