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The Cameraman (1928)

Comedy | 67 minutes
3,47 89 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 67 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Edward Sedgwick

Stars: Buster Keaton, Marceline Day and Harold Goodwin

IMDb score: 8,0 (13.656)

Releasedate: 10 September 1928

The Cameraman plot

"You'll laugh yourself completely out of focus!"

Luke Shannon is a rather clumsy man who falls for a woman who works in a news studio. He then decides to work there himself as a cameraman. This means that he gets involved in all kinds of chaotic scenes. Then he accidentally stumbles upon fantastic news material.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Office Worker (uncredited)

Man in Tight Bathing Suit (uncredited)

Extra in Swimming Pool (uncredited)

Extra in Swimming Pool (uncredited)

Randall (uncredited)

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Classic criticism of Keaton. The more stunts the more fun I find it. If he focuses more on the humor and romance/plot, then I'll quickly lose interest. The stunt work is simply lame in this film, so the humor and the romantic plot remain (which Keaton simply recycles endlessly).

The only striking thing this film still has is a few moments with beautiful shots / beautiful camera work, such as the side view of the house. There are not that many and the film looks ordinary, but those are still a few moments that I could pull myself up by.

The humor in this film really didn't appeal to me, very predictable and a bit too much silly stuff, with the low point indeed being the scene in the bathroom cubicle. It's just absolutely not my kind of humor. Even with its short running time it all started to drag a bit, although the constantly whining score also played its part in that.

No, lesser Keaton in my opinion. His talents are limited and are only used minimally in this film.


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Sergio Leone

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Very mediocre.

Buster Keaton can do better. Much better. This must be the least I've seen from him so far. The fact that the characteristic stunt work is missing doesn't necessarily have to be a deal breaker, it certainly isn't in some of his other films. But in The Cameraman it never really gets going. It remains a bit of a muddle, without any cool stunts or a charming romance. Every top performer has less work now and then, and so does Keaton.


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Strange, but it reminded me a bit of Norman Wisdom ("Don't laugh at me 'cause I'm fool") and even Gene Kelly, without the singing and dancing of course, but just as madly in love under the pouring rain.

This is about the romance and the ultimate feel-good.

As far as humor is concerned, the scene in the changing room is the best and what follows is also quite funny and makes up for the rather flat beginning.

Keaton is a genius in his own way.

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