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Rigor Mortis (1981)

Comedy | 63 minutes
3,46 37 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 63 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Dick Maas

Stars: Michiel Kerbosch, Olga Zuiderhoek and Rijk de Gooyer

IMDb score: 6,6 (64)

Releasedate: 24 September 1981


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Rigor Mortis plot

Black comedy about a café owner who wants to do something about publicity by breaking the world record 'burying'. Interest does not materialize until, after 124 days, a television crew who has been stopped by engine trouble spends a night in the cafe. A number of dramatic entanglements will disrupt the lives of several people. Rigor Mortis - Latin for stiffness - is based on a true story.

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Hilarious film with a fantastic cast (Leen Jongewaard, Olga Zuiderhoek, Helmert Woudenberg, Rijk de Gooyer, Gees Linnebank and Wim T. Schippers, although the latter only lent his voice to the film) and some very successful visual jokes, a pity that this is so hard to get.

Here's a short clip (starting at 33:28):


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