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Perfectly Normal (1990)

Comedy | 101 minutes
2,50 3 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / Canada

Directed by: Yves Simoneau

Stars: Robbie Coltrane, Michael Riley and Deborah Duchêne

IMDb score: 6,1 (322)

Releasedate: 12 April 1991


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Perfectly Normal plot

"Have You Ever Had A Friend Who Could Make You Do Anything . . . Absolutely Anything?"

Renzo (Michael Riley), an ordinary boy, has a simple dream: he wants to build his own house. But Renzo's dream is sidetracked by the death of his mother. The arrival of Alonzo (Robbie Coltrane) also turns his life upside down. Alonzo is a jovial but dishonest tout who is obsessed with opening an elegant restaurant in which the wait staff are dressed as opera singers. When Alonzo discovers Renzo's passion for opera and his fascination with money, the two team up. But whose dream should they follow?

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