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Paris-Manhattan (2012)

Comedy | 77 minutes
2,73 33 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: France

Directed by: Sophie Lellouche

Stars: Alice Taglioni, Patrick Bruel and Woody Allen

IMDb score: 6,1 (4.048)

Releasedate: 18 July 2012

Paris-Manhattan plot

"Two cities. One hopeless romantic."

Alice (Alice Taglioni) is a beautiful Parisian pharmacist who is passionate about her job. The only problem is she's still single. She takes refuge in the passion for her favorite director, Woody Allen. In addition, she tries as much as possible to resist the pressure of her family, who are desperately trying to find a husband for her. However, when she meets Victor (Patrick Bruel), everything can change.

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