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Expeditie Cupido (2024)

Comedy | 91 minutes
1,73 15 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 91 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Erwin van den Eshof

Stars: Carré Albers, Achraf Koutet and Leo Alkemade

IMDb score: 3,8 (159)


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Expeditie Cupido plot

When the filming of the romantic reality program "Expedition Cupid" is hit by a hurricane on a tropical island, the horny participants and complaining crew members must work together to really survive. As the hurricane rages over them and life in front of and behind the scenes mingle, everyone's true colors emerge. Because what really happens when the camera has stopped rolling?

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On the advice of her manager [Ilse Warringa], former teen pop star Yesmay [Carré Albers] travels to an island in the Pacific Ocean to participate in the celebrity dating show 'Expeditie Cupido'. Infantile, pointless parody of a type of show that has long since degenerated into self-parody. Albers is charming in the lead role, but most of the cast tries to compensate for the excess of stale jokes with grimacing.

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