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Blue Juice (1995)

Comedy | 90 minutes
2,89 9 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Carl Prechezer

Stars: Sean Pertwee, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Ewan McGregor

IMDb score: 5,1 (3.027)

Releasedate: 15 September 1995

Blue Juice plot

"The ride is wild!"

JC seems to lead a carefree life. He is a living surfing legend and lives with his girlfriend Chloe. Although he is approaching thirty, he is not yet successful in becoming an adult. One day his three best friends show up at the door. Dean, a drug dealer, and Josh, a music producer, drugged and kidnapped Terry, who is about to get married. They want to celebrate his last days as a bachelor. The confrontation with his old friends causes tension between JC and Chloe.

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