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Into the Storm (2009)

Biography | 100 minutes
3,28 77 votes

Genre: Biography / War

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Thaddeus O'Sullivan

Stars: Brendan Gleeson, Janet McTeer and Len Cariou

IMDb score: 7,0 (6.122)

Releasedate: 31 May 2009


Into the Storm plot

"Churchill at war"

We follow Winston Churchill in the years following the movie The Gathering Storm. World War II is here and Churchill will have to play a hugely important role in countering the Nazis. He increasingly turns out to be a charismatic leader and inspires many to take action against the Germans. His character proved eminently suitable as a war president, but this same character worked against him for the rest of his political career as well as his own marriage, where more was needed than one-liners and firm action.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Winston Churchill

King George VI

Jock Colville

Clementine Churchill

General Ismay

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Major General Bernard Montgomery

Neville Chamberlain

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