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Pickings (2018)

Action | 103 minutes
1,93 15 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Usher Morgan

Stars: Michelle Holland

IMDb score: 4,8 (1.128)

Releasedate: 2 March 2018

Pickings plot

"They fu#ked with the wrong woman!"

Jo Lee-Haywood is a single mother and owner of a neighborhood bar. She has spent years trying to escape her violent past. One day, a local mobster and his gang of accomplices set out to rob the establishment. Jo is forced to face her inner demons again and go to great lengths to protect her family and her possessions.

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Actors and actresses

Jo Lee-Haywood

Scarlet Lee-Haywood

Marvin Lee-Haywood

Boone Pickens

May Pickens

Doris Pickens

Jimmy Marcone

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